Posts Tagged ‘Magazines and E-zines’

PAPERBRAINS is an independent zine produced and run from the UK, featuring artists, photographers and writers from all over the world. It is a quirky art, literature and photography zine which is printed once every two months.  Made in a student bedroom in England and then professionally printed, this zine spans 22 pages of full-colour fabulosity.

In the past they have represented best selling authors and hugely successful artists, but also focus on representing talented individuals who may not yet have broken onto the scene. Whether you’re already well known and successful or still trying to find your niche in the art world they would love to hear from you as they fill the pages of their fifth issue! Whether you paint, draw, sculpt… photograph digitally, onto film or through a pinhole camera… and whether you write prose, non-fiction, poetry or flash… they’re open to your work!

You can check out previous issues  on Tumblr ( or become a fan on Facebook ( For those who like to tweet, you can find them at and a few copies of their previous issues remain on Etsy,

Contributors are invited to email with a selection of their work, an online portfolio or just to ask for more details.